Monday, 15 November 2010

Publishing My Site.

Today I realised that my sites file size was far to big so I decided to edit my images and save them with the .GIF file extension to save on space. My site now hardly lags at all when it is called into a browser and I am really happy with the results. I also gave my css styling some more attension changing the site container to white which I am really pleased with as it makes the content of the site stand out more, I have also added colour to my form and changed the font of my text. I have created an additional page which contains a facebook comments box which I inserted so that I can interact with users and hopefully get some good feedback.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Form Validation

Yesterday I decided that I would validate my form to reduce the amount of invalid forms that are submitted to me. I created a Javascript file which I then linked to my form HTML file via the head, I used IF statements which prompt the user to enter data when certain fields are left empty. I have inserted a note and highlighted the fields so the user should understand the fields that are compulsory. I decided to allow the user to submit a form without a phone number as I feel some users may want to keep this information private. I plan to continue to update my sites CSS syles. : )

Monday, 8 November 2010

Navigation Buttons

Today I decided I would give my site navigation some attention and create some buttons using dreamweaver. I created a glass effect using two layer and the gradient tool. I used CSS to hide and reveal the two parts of by button images to create a pink glow when the curser passes over them. I am very happy with the results.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

CSS troubles

I have been finding creating my cascading style sheets rather difficult  but I now feel that I am starting to understand CSS.  I have created the header for the three pages on my site and the question form to allow user of the site to ask me questions. I soon plan to begin work on the navigation aspect of my site. 

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Web Space And Domain Name.

I have been searching for domain names and web space from for a few weeks now and feel I have found some appropriate sites to purchase these from. I am going to purchase my domain name from and my space from I choose to use 123-reg as they are respected and have many good reviews and I choose ipage as they offer  unlimited domain hosting, unlimited badwidth and unlimited space for a cheap price.